22 Sep Things to Consider While Choosing AFC Technology Provider
The best Automatic fare collection technology providers have proved themselves in the market. There are some specific points to be considered for availing service of AFC technology providers are:
- Proven Fare Collection Technology Providers.
- Configuration of hardware.
- Flexibility with Payment Method.
- Business Intelligent Reporting.
- Integration with other departmental systems.
Organizations must consider the expense of incorporating the AFC framework to existing heritage frameworks. Upkeep costs (cost of new parts and a framework). Backing for future customization and arrange the framework. The response frequently relies upon the particularity of a framework and thought given to the plan of the different segments or sub-frameworks.
According to the Smart Card Alliance, a non-advantage connection overseeing splendid card advancement, the benefits of offering various portion strategies include:
Lower cost media issuance costs: Agencies don’t have to give a similar number of tickets or tokens to their riders (since specific trades occur in the back-office, for instance, the getting of the month to month passes), which reduces the cost. All around described security standards: Any credit and charge cards, and most trade affiliations will consent to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS).
Benefits of Integration:
Discussion about the integration and its benefits are:
- No operational cost when integrating databases
- Cut multi-vendor interface if any found and focuses on costs of maintenance.
- Saved precious time while streamlined tasks for usual operational.
- For getting more accurate data from Faster informed and decisions making with quicker.
- Minimize “litter” in the Bus Pilot drive area.
- Integrating the AFC with your ITS device would permit planners to optimize routes primarily based on economic statistics to maximize revenue.
As per the Smart Card, a non-benefit affiliation managing brilliant card innovation with the advantages of offering diverse installment techniques including lowering till media issuance costs. Agencies need not issue the same number of tickets or tokens to their riders (since certain exchanges happen in the back-office, such as month to month passes), which diminishes the expense. Any credit and charge cards, and most exchange associations, will agree to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) information Security Standards (DSS).
Most of the automatic fare collection system providers use magnetic technology for the smartcards, which is reliable. In the same way, you need to choose the most reliable AFC technology providers while choosing their services.
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